Saturday, January 23, 2010

Winter Marches On

It's cold but the sun was shining. We bundled up and headed to the public market. Something we like to do every Saturday, no matter what the season.
This time of year there is not much local produce to buy, some apples, gnarly carrots and mountains of cabbages. Cabbage is my personal vegetable. Huh? If you were a vegetable what would you be? I would be a cabbage.

The gloves that have been on my needles are finished and they made their first trip to the market today. Soft, snug and woolly toasty. When we got home I took an outdoor snapshot of them. Everything photographs so much nicer in natural light.
And while I was fussing with the glamor shots of my mittens - Miss Kiki struck a pose. Look how long the mid-day shadows are here in the Upstate New York tundra. Winter, sigh, I just loathe it.

1 comment:

lotusgreen said...

those gloves are so gorgeous