the beginning of a new set of beads.

A bit of a garden photographed through my wet and foggy car window. It's steamy here today, a very welcome bone-warming humidity.
It's time to garden. I am very excited that I found a black hollyhock for by our front door. When I picked it out I was already thinking about the beads it will inspire when it blooms. Do petunias come in pale yellow?

These beads have a core of opalino sky blue glass, rolled in aventurine frit, then encased in several pale, watery transparent colors. I hand pressed them to get the wonky sort of protozoan shapes that make the beads look like something you would find under a microscope.
These are delightful! I love how organic they are. They seem like something alive, like a plant or a pond eco-system. Nicely done!
a cell dividing
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