Friday, May 04, 2007


new beads - finally got them off their mandrels, soaked & reamed.

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lots of fun with pea green commercial filigrana rods and messy gelly's sty pink.

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this one is cim's rose quartz rolled in aventurine frit and encased with pale periwinkle transparent.

here's a page from my sketchbook of blossom ideas.

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more of them tomorrow - tonight i am pooped. why so tired? it's the height of spring junking season - we filled the car today with all kinds of magnificent loot. i am not interested in things that are new, give me something that was someone else's.

there is no need for anything new. i love what others waste, what they don't want, what they have forgotton and left behind - what they sell me for small change. i make my living from it and live luxuriously hip deep in it.

devandra banhart - a ribbon

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