Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pussy Willows

I know a little pussy - Her coat is silver gray

She lives down in the meadow - Not very far away.

Though she is a pussy - She’ll never be a cat

She is a pussy willow - Now what do you think of that?

-traditional nursery rhyme

Glass pussy willow headpins.

Start with some springtime inspiration - a branch of pussy willows.

I used light pastel gray glass as a base on 18 gauge black steel wire.
The base was rolled that in white frit and encased it in pale transparent gray glass.

Then using the small marver in the picture above I shaped them.
Next a roll in clear glass frit for the 'fuzz.'
Finally I added the brown leaflet, I used Double Helix Echo. Love the iridescent glass.

One little guy hanging out right on my bench as a reference while torching.

Time to make earrings.


laurie said...

These are beautiful! Are they for sale?

Falk Guitars and Mandolins said...

Interesting Blog. I enjoyed your presentation and admire your work.