Thursday, June 03, 2010

Golden Leaves & Little Birds

Lordy, I have been distracted this week - too much vacationing last weekend left me a husk. Several days of playing catch-up, and a dinner party last night, just got the best of me. But I sat down with my trusty, little camera this morning and took a mess of pictures and listed a pile of birds and a set of golden leaves on Etsy.

The leaves are Double Helix Aurae over light topaz. They look a lot like vintage carnival glass or Steuben Aurene. Man, I love that Double Helix.

There is also a mess of new new birds.
There's a little yellow bird (a la Bright Eyes), a robin, a pair of tiny crows that are perfect for earrings, a couple of other crows and a sort of Danish modern stylized robin a la Oiva Toikka.

I am going off to lampwork in a couple of hours - I cannot wait. It's time to make a plan, find my bead sketchbooks and gather up the glass I am going to need. I have to make lots of pairs for earrings and I want to make some more leaves. After that - who knows?

My baby is back from a couple of weeks of studying in Paris - it's good to have the house full of her noise again. Music, friends and general banging around. The dogs are especially glad to have her back. Her jet-lagged naps are good for snuggling - and dogs, well you know, they can nap 24/7.

1 comment:

Mary Smith said...
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