After months and months of making things for other people, both merchandise and presents, I made myself something. My most favorite thing to knit - MITTENS!
In my opinion, mittens are the perfect knitting project. They're useful, designing them is fun and they knit up fast. I have no patience for sweaters and afghans, and socks wear out too quickly for all the work that goes into them.
Mittens - This is a free pattern and it's a gem. Easy to understand, uses needles that are not too big or too small, and it's fun to customize with your own colors and patterns.
Amanita Muscaria - or fly agaric mushrooms - you know, red and white polka dot mushrooms. I adore them. If you have a pinterest account follow this link down the rabbit hole.
If you want a peek at my stash of pinterest mitten pics - click here.