Sunday, April 24, 2016

Darling Clementines

"Clementine" bracelet

lampwork glass beads and leaves
vintage rice pearls
sterling silver

Don't you love it when a clasp turns out just the way you envisioned it?
The little things in life...

I even had enough leftover glass bits to make a pair of matchy-matching earrings.

These beads sat in a baggie next to my workbench for months.

I just felt like the glass was not enough but I just couldn't come up with that extra something I knew the design was lacking.

Whilst wandering around Pinterest I saw this piece of orange crate art.

And I knew just what the bracelet was lacking - orange blossom buds.
I added the tiny white pearl,s on sterling silver headpins, to the design and it was just right.

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